Welcome to day 2 of building a Faceless YouTube channel. 


Today we will be creating our videos and as this is building a faceless channel we will be using an awesome piece of software called Syllaby to create our videos..


Here is a link to the software we will use in this 4-day challenge. Click here to…… Use Syllaby  


And below is today's training, as you will see this software is perfect for building our channels as it does everything for us including voice over, subtitles and more.



Homework for today.


Have a look at the different templates available inside Syllaby and decide which one you will use for your channel. 


Play around with the script until you are happy and then create your video. 


Tomorrow I will show you how to optimise your video for views, how to write a good YouTube description and lots more. 


Until tomorrow…..


Take Care
