It sounded so simple, get sent free products, upload videos less than 60 seconds and earn hundreds if not thousands each month on TikTok.


This is what many “Gurus” and YouTubers were saying about the opportunity that is the TikTok Affiliate program. The problem with many of the “gurus” is that most of them have zero clue about the method and they are sharing videos just to get views. 


After doing my own research and looking into this a little more I started a case study and documented it daily for 40 days.


The results were eye-opening to say the least, after the case study finished it made sense to continue with this method and now, nearly 6 months later the results continue to surprise me.


Before we dive into the numbers and all the good stuff let's cover some of the basics.


TikTok Shop Affiliate Program.

Understanding The TikTok Shop Affiliate Program.


What is TikTok Shop?


TikTok Shop is a platform that allows users to monetize their TikTok content by becoming affiliates and promoting products. It is a great opportunity for creators to turn their passion and influence into a source of income.


Benefits of becoming a TikTok Shop affiliate.


Becoming a TikTok Shop affiliate comes with awesome benefits. Firstly, it provides an opportunity to earn money through commissions on sales generated by your videos. Secondly, it allows you to showcase your creativity and build a personal brand through engaging TikTok videos.


Lastly, it opens up doors for collaborations with brands and influencers, which can further expand your reach and revenue potential.


Requirements to become a TikTok Shop affiliate.


From all the methods I have tried online and still do to this day, TikTok affiliate has some of the lowest barriers to entry.


To become a TikTok Shop affiliate, there are a few requirements you need to meet. First, you must be over 18, second, you need to have posted at least 2 videos in the last 28 days, and finally, you need a certain number of followers. 


This varies on your location, for example, in the UK you need 1,000 followers, in the US it is 5,000. This has changed previously so the easiest way to see the requirements are inside the TikTok app.  


This is how it looks inside the TikTok app. 


Requirements to become a TikTok Shop affiliate


Once you meet the requirements above then you apply to the program, it's simply a case of hitting the “Join Now” button. 

TikTok Shop Creator Marketplace.

TikTok Shop Creator Marketplace.


Once you are in the affiliate program then you get access to the product marketplace or “shop” as it's known. 


This is absolutely huge and has grown so much since I started. In the marketplace, you will see thousands of products from big brands to small business owners. 


There are lots of categories including Toys, Groceries, Electronics, Menswear, Sports, Home & Garden, Kitchen & Dining, Phones, Tablets and many more. 


You can scroll through each category and you will find free samples available, how much commission each product pays, customer feedback and there are many new features including a points system where you can swap points for products. 


There are also trending brands, products recommended for you to share with your followers, best sellers and other bits. 


TikTok Creator Market Place


In theory, this is how the TikTok affiliate program works.


  • Find products you like or think will sell well. 
  • Apply for a free sample.
  • Get sent the free sample.
  • Record a video about the sample and upload it to TikTok.
  • Add your affiliate link and include a description for your video. 
  • Hit publish. 
  • Earn thousands………..


The Reality.


Let's start at the top with free samples. Yes it is true that companies and brands will send you samples for free (Still blows my mind) But you need to remember a few things. 


These companies will part with products in exchange for a video about the product, they are more likely to send samples to people on TikTok with a track record of sales and a following. 


Don't get me wrong, in my first month I was sent many free samples but these were nothing like what I get sent today. When you first get started you are more likely to be sent low value samples. 


Examples of this on my account were toilet rolls, children's games, USB lights, sunglasses and other bits. 


Over time as you build up sales and more followers then your samples improve. Just this last week I have received vacuums, air fryers, trainers, aftershave and much more. 


Just remember that like most things it takes time to build up.


My Results – Month By Month.


November Results With The TikTok Affiliate Program.


The first month ended at the end of November and the numbers were incredible, considering this was all done using the video creator inside of TikTok and I didn't have any products to showcase in the videos. 


November Results From The TikTok Affiliate Program


December Results With The TikTok Affiliate Program.

This month went absolutely crazy! Had I known what I do now then this could have easily been double this amount, plus I went away for a week so missed uploading videos for 7 days. 

Either way, the numbers were epic!

December Results With The TikTok Affiliate Program

January Results With The TikTok Affiliate Program.


As expected after the Christmas craziness we came back down to earth, however, earning over £1,000 for uploading 60-second videos of products that people sent me for free is absolutely epic!


January Results From The TikTok Affiliate Program



February Results With The TikTok Affiliate Program.


February saw us double the month of January and the views grew by almost 4 million. (Looking forward to the next month now) 

February Results From The TikTok Affiliate Program

March Results With The TikTok Affiliate Program.


This month was brilliant, commission grew by £3,100 from February and bagged us a cool £5,400. 


March Results From The TikTok Affiliate Program

April Results With The TikTok Affiliate Program.

Getting Started as a TikTok Shop Affiliate

Create a TikTok account

If you don't already have a TikTok account, the first step is to create one. Simply download the TikTok app from the App Store or Google Play Store, and follow the prompts to sign up. Choose a unique and memorable username that aligns with your personal brand or niche.

Meet The Requirements To Become An Affiliate.

. This will give you access to valuable analytics and insights about your audience, such as demographics, engagement rates, and video views. Switching to a Pro account is free and easy, and it provides you with data that will be crucial for optimizing your content and growing your following.

Apply for TikTok Shop affiliate program

After setting up your TikTok account and meeting the requirements above, you can apply for the TikTok Shop affiliate program. Visit the TikTok Shop website and fill out the application form with your relevant details, including your TikTok username and follower count. Make sure to highlight your unique selling points and why you believe you would be a valuable affiliate for the TikTok Shop.

Approval and onboarding process

Once your application is submitted, the TikTok team will review it and assess whether you meet the requirements to become a TikTok Shop affiliate. If approved, you will receive further instructions on the onboarding process. This may include signing a contract, attending training sessions, and familiarizing yourself with the program guidelines. Once you have completed the onboarding process, you will be ready to start monetizing your TikTok content as a TikTok Shop affiliate.


Want to get a jump on 90% of people doing the TikTok affiliate program?


After documenting this journey and doing a 40-day live case study we then went on to build a private community and training platform to help people start and grow their journey with the TikTok affiliate program. 


Below are just a few results from members of the private community. 


Neil 9k With TikTok Affiliate Program


What can you expect from the training platform and private community? 


Everything we have done to date and much more, we give you products to focus on, hooks to use in your TikTok videos, how to create videos and much more. 


Plus you will get access to the private community and be able to ask questions, get feedback and be surrounded by people who are actively involved with the TikTok affiliate program. 


Here are just a few things you will find inside……..



If you want to learn more and fast-track your journey then simply click………….here


Or you can click on the image below. 


TikTok Affiliate Insider Banner